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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Queen’s Agenda with Jasmuheen

The Queen’s Agenda with Jasmuheen ...

For some time now our planet has been experiencing the emergence of what some would call the Divine Feminine.

This energy is within all life and it carries a very particular frequency that is responding to the collective desire for harmony in our world.

Some say that this energy has arisen within the matrix in response to our own desire for a peace-filled world.

As this energy arises within us it reveals our intuitive nature, our compassionate heart and it brings with it solutions that can unify and harmonize our world.

At the Embassy of Peace we call this energy The Madonna Frequency.

It is a frequency that carries great love and wisdom, an energy that brings the Queen’s Agenda.



The Queen’s Agenda is a particular way of fine-tuning our world back into the paradise state via the programs and the projects offered at the Embassy of Peace.

So at the Embassy of Peace we promote the Queen’s Agenda and offer practical projects plus programs for PERSONAL, GLOBAL AND UNIVERSAL HARMONIZATION.

Personal Harmonization comes via our lifestyle which can nourish us on all levels and thus improve our health and happiness levels.

LIFESTYLE – how we spend our time determines our health, happiness and harmony levels.

EMBASSY OF PEACE – The Luscious Lifestyles Program

An 8 point lifestyle for health and happiness.

Meditation; prayer; mind mastery; vegetarian diet, exercise the body temple; service; time in silence in nature; devotional song ...

Meditation ... experience the benefits of MEDITATION.

Prayer ... understand the power of PRAYER.

Mind Mastery ... enjoy the peace of MIND MASTERY. Thoughts create reality ... let go of limited thinking patterns.

A light diet ... wherever you are at with your diet, lighten it up for our health and our environment. Feel the benefits of a VEGETARIAN DIET.

Exercise, body temple ... treat the body as a temple ... EXERCISE.

Service ... every day do something kind for someone else just because you can ... spend time compassionately in ... SERVICE.

Silence in nature ... protect and enjoy the peace and beauty of nature and minimize our use of Gaia’s resources ... spend time enjoying ... SILENCE in NATURE.

Devotional song ... enjoy power mantras for personal energy fine tuning ... feel the power of DEVOTIONAL SONG.

Meditation; prayer; mind mastery; vegetarian diet, exercise the body temple; service; time in silence in nature; devotional song ...

An 8 point lifestyle that is free, that will change how the universe responds to us; that can tune us into higher paradigms via the Universal Law of Resonance ...

The QUEEN’S AGENDA Projects and Programs

c) Inter-planetary Project with its Pathways of Elysium

Via lifestyle and the PRANA PROGRAM, we can eliminate all our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual hungers.

An Embassy of peace Project at www.jasmuheen.com

THE PRANA PROGRAM PROJECT offers a free e-book that focuses on solutions to eliminate world hunger.

Accessing alternate internal nourishment streams and minimizing our dependence on the world’s food resources.

The Madonna Frequency Planetary Peace Program has 9 practical projects to create permanent peace in our world by addressing basic human rights.

Food, shelter, holistic education to break cycles of poverty, trade agreement changes and much more ...

Compassionately caring for all our world’s people ... regardless of race, gender, religion or culture ...

The Madonna Frequency Planetary Peace Program forms part of our Global Harmonization project.

It is also a free e-book that is available in many languages.

As well as personal and global harmonization programs, the Embassy of Peace also offers The UNIVERSAL HARMONIZATION Program.

Our Universal Program is designed to prepare us to enter the more refined realms of the interdimensional worlds, by understanding Universal Law and Divine Marriage with our self and with each other and with other realms.


There are planets of great civility

Loving and wise extraterrestrial intelligence exists, find it interdimensionally, go within. There are dimensional doors, there are clear pathways to peace.


  • The Field of Love
  • The Field of Compassion
  • The Field of Harmony and Health
  • The Field of Grace
  • The Field of Freedom
Throughout our time we have enjoyed many MAGICAL MESSENGERS. (link to YouTube Holy Ones Playlist)

SO many magical messengers have come ... The Christed ones such as Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Babaji, Mohammed, Kwan Yin, Lao Tzu, and so many, many more.

BEing in silence, in stillness and meditation, allows us to experience their teachings directly and to download so many beneficial insights from within the Matrix of infinite love ...
The Queen’s agenda is about honouring our intuitive nature, BEing the wise and loving masters that we are and compassionately caring for all ... for your free copy of THE EMBASSY OF PEACE programs go to: http://www.jasmuheen.com/

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