Synopsis of some of the messages from the Cosmic Colleagues book by Jasmuheen
Mother Mary shares:
The energy shift that has been taking place will continue to do so to allow Humanity to feel. To really open up and to feel – to feel with discernment, to feel with the greatest of care in choice, to have empathy for their fellow man, to have compassion because without empathy, without compassion there can be no unity and this is the age of great unity...
It is important that you keep your commitment and your focus clear, that you find the inner strength to be true to your experience; the inner strength to put your commitment to Spirit first, above and beyond all to not allow yourself to be sidetracked in any way while also remembering to treat yourself lovingly every step of the way…
The more you quiet the inner mind of judgment, the more you strip away the limited you and the sooner the Divine You can be revealed. The more that you walk hand in hand with your own Divinity which is the true aspect of your Being, then the more you will find that your journey on earth is a joyous one. So often you sit in judgment of yourselves do you not? You judge your lack or limitation and even your beliefs of such. Yet for us in Spirit, all we see is each Light in you as it shines, some more brightly than others, but all shining none the less. …
Also remember that spirit and reason go hand in hand and reason will deliver you to the embrace of spirit, for reason was birthed in spirit. Reason is like the sheep that come back home to the shepherd. Times of contemplation will allow you to make peace with all aspects of your Being. To recognize your humanness and love all parts of you without judgment. Remember also that love is the only real power of lasting transformation.
Sananda: Every atom, every molecule within Universal structure is perfect and the glue that binds the molecular structure of all is simply Love, Divine Love. It is said that the Son of God, the Son of the Mother/Father Creator God is the Son of Love – pure unconditional Love. What more could you strive for upon this plane at this time in your evolution, than the experience of pure, unconditional Love? This is your Christ nature, and this is the Christ Consciousness within all. It is the thread that binds the garland of life. This consciousness is inherent within your nature; it is the purest aspect of your Being. When it was said that none shall come to the Father except through me (Jesus), it was allegorical and symbolic of the necessity to seek and merge with the “Christ Consciousness” within. There are many ways that this merging can take place – the qualifying factor is the purity of intention and sincerity of desire which is a common factor within the hearts of many individuals of many religions and philosophies.
Triclon from the Intergalactic Federation of Worlds Council says: Do you understand that any game you wish to play is in your creative power to be real? You are the masters of creation so if you wish to engage in the game that there are entities of lower vibrations sucking off your energy fields, if you wish to play the game of lords of darkness, of satanic forces, of forces that perhaps you would label as not quite in perfect alignment with divinity or whatever label you wish to give – then as you think it, so it will be, for that is the game being played.
The game we encourage instead is the game that gives you the key to the doorway to the fifth dimension which is the next energy matrix that you will find your beings, as mass consciousness, relating to and experiencing. The key to this doorway is instant manifestation through your abilities as creative beings.
So with these new energies now bombarding your planet, whatever you wish to give power to through your thought form will become real virtually instantaneously and you will feel the energy effects of such. You are no longer limited beings unless you allow yourself to be so.
If you wish to imagine yourself as beings that have gone through the ‘ringer’, called third dimensional life, of thousands of embodiments with much emotional and mental baggage, then that will be your reality. You will identify yourselves as beings of great light and love but with baggage – huge bags of this baggage on your back. Or you can decide to see yourself standing tall in your divinity, in complete perfection, living life in complete perfection, embracing, expecting the perfection of life to be in your reality. So see these bags of baggage disappear instantaneously off your back as you embrace this new paradigm and allow it to be your reality, and so it will be and the universe will rearrange itself to accommodate your new framework of reality for that is one of the magnificent abilities that the universe has.
Kuthumi states:
The new paradigm being created is the one that you as awakened individuals are collectively creating. The old paradigm is that which you are continually building upon as you become aware of patterns that do not run limitlessly and as you become more aware of any thought forms that create limitation.
Now, as you step into your mastery - the unlimited nature of your Being - you are being asked to assess every thought form, every action, and every word that creates limitation individually, so that the collective whole may change.
These paradigms are simply patterns of energy.
The new paradigm is being structured according to your desire to treat each other in a way that is honourable and be together in a way that allows you to be joyous, to be free, to experience life upon this plane with ease, with grace and to know pleasure in this embodiment. …
The old paradigm brought lack. The old paradigm brought conflict; the old paradigm has brought states of being of great separation and of competition but there is a prophecy that is unfolding upon this plane and it is the prophecy of the new millennium, the prophecy of the Golden Age.
The paradigm of this new age insists that you open up to your own inner guidance, so that you may discover your true mastery, so that you may recognize that the one master that is requiring honouring is the master within you. This is not a time of being disempowered - it is a time of empowerment, of standing true in your Light, of having courage to act from the guidance that comes from within for the good of the collective whole.
This now time in your evolutionary process presents a wondrous opportunity to demonstrate unity by demonstrating mastery, to be always perfectly aligned to the divine voice within and to express all this in a fun and loving manner. The invitation is to do so with an intention that your sharing be fun; that you all share great joy and laughter and to also do all this with an intention that your sharing is also light, logical and inspirational.
Humanity cannot ignore the vibration of integrity, impeccability, logic and lightness of being, delivered by ones walking their talk, emanating vibrations of lightness and joy as all of this brings its own additional flavor of the universal forces of magic.
There is much to be revealed to your plane of existence. The revelation of what was once will come again. A time when you truly are synchronistic; when things like words of coincidence cease to exist for beings are aware that synchronicity is simply a by-product of being tuned.
From Saint Germain:
The Master discerns which experience, he or she will have while dwelling in physical form in God’s kingdom. The Master, through all realms of expression, creates around them that which serves them fully in the awakened state in each now moment … What you are being asked to do is to embrace the Christed One within so you may be that magician in the stillness, in the power of that which you are; so that you may send out from your physical form, electromagnetic signals of deep wisdom and power and connectedness. This is the power that will bring the chaos into order once more for the good of the whole…
Forget the power of your addictions and become addicted to experiencing the Divine One Within you and, as Its power radiates through you, It will bring all your addictions into perspective and alignment – without struggle – for this is the power of the God that dwells within!
St Germain on Earth changes:
Let us talk then about these great changes, for they will come. In a period of fewer than decades you will find the continent of Europe greatly altered. In the period of similar time, you will find much of the United States greatly altered; a shifting of land mass and water, a simple rearrangement none the less. When you work with your full focus on aligning with and discovering and enjoying the God force within, then you may also trust that you will always find yourself at the perfect place in the perfect time.
As servants of the divine, you have the internal voice, that which you call your intuition, that will move you when you listen to it. It will guide you to be where you need to be and if that creates the ceasing of this physical embodiment, then so be it, it just means that your work is complete here and you as a soul will continue its journey of perfect evolution and may take another body at will, at another time. Or perhaps if it is not the end of your contract, you will find that you are one step ahead always of the supposed devastation for devastation is only that according to your interpretation.
Great change comes and will bring great glory for those tuned to the gifts that these changes bring. The energy of the Buddha teaches detachment, teaches to be dependant only on the divine one within, and it is great teaching.
Let us now see into future times, for there is the prophecy that the Federation is gathering masses, preparing for landings at this time and on one level of reality that is so. They have made contact with many beings upon this plane that are now in constant service doing what they have agreed as in their blueprint. But it is your planet, and we share this so often, that in the cycle of coming change much will remain but more will be transformed, for any system no longer operating for the good of the whole will crumble.
You will soon have access to technologies that will radically transform communication, that will radically transform your transportation and that will allow the resources upon this planet to be distributed in a more equable manner.
Many of you will remain in embodiment for decades to come for you are the seeders of the new root race and you have long term contracts that see you here until the completion of this new phase of being. You are to bring in new technologies and systems that work for the collective whole.
We have positioned and communicated with many beings, like chess pieces upon a board. These pieces are your own embodiments, beings such as yourself who have tuned into the higher paradigms of creation. They now form what you term an energy matrix around the planet that is magnetizing you into another realm.
As so many have now understood, you will not be rescued, you will not find that the heavens will open and you will be lifted to higher realms by some angelic force, or by spacecraft or whatever.
You are here under contract to the Divine Force to be the witness and to also act as emissaries for this world in transition; to shine the light from within your heart and soul, to allow those around you to witness Divine Alchemy in action. This movie of Divine Alchemy is the fabric that births both space and time – what your scientists would call the virtual field – and it is upon this field of magic that all creation springs forth.
The game of Divine Alchemy has many gifts to give each apprentice. It will bring you the gift of synchronicity. It will bring you the ability to work with maximum impact in your world using minimum effort. And what this means is that you may have many balls in the air, multi-layered realities plus movies running simultaneously and effectively.
It is easy to get side-tracked by the subplots in the movie and lose sight of the theme. And yet the theme through all the levels of creation is a realm of possibility that is as endless as each creation’s imagination.
Detailed channelings from all of these beings is in the book
COSMIC COLLEAGUES - Messages from the Masters:- A selection of loving, timeless and insightful channeled messages through Jasmuheen to inspire and support all through these changing times. In this book Jasmuheen shares of her personal relationship with these ones. As Saint Germain once shared with her: The Master discerns which experience, he or she will have while dwelling in physical form in God’s kingdom. The Master, through all realms of expression, creates around them in every now moment that which serves them fully in the awakened state in each now moment … From Mother Mary: Spirit and reason go hand in hand and reason will deliver you to the embrace of spirit, for reason was birthed in spirit. Reason is like the sheep that come back home to the shepherd. Times of contemplation will allow you to make peace with all aspects of your Being; to recognize your humanness and love all parts of you without judgment. Remember that love is the only real power of lasting transformation.
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