Welcome to our Multi-dimensional Views!

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Monday, January 27, 2014

Triple Heart Connections

We have often shared about the power and benefits of the triple heart connection - where we merge our hearts with Mother Earth's (or Gaia's) heart, and the heart source of Divine Love (what some call the Divine Mother's heart) - so it was interesting for me to read the following from Drunvalo Melchizedek who quotes from the Mayan Ouroboros 

“Link your Heart to the Heart of the Earth, then to the Heart of the Sun, and then to the Heart of the Galaxy, and finally to the Heart of the Universe, and you will live forever. Mother Earth will protect and guide you.” 

So we hope you are enjoying each new moment of this new year where as usual living in the heart, enjoying being fully present in the moment is a wonderful way to be ... 

love to all - Jas

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