the 1st 2012 - with Jasmuheen for the Embassy of Peace
Welcome to this celebration of the paradigm of Peace! One of the
joys of coming together like this is that we know we can make a positive
difference to our evolution by our united focus and I feel so honored to be
here today to share about the Embassy of Peace, and the power that our own
enlightened Essence nature has to create harmony in our world.
While we have written 37 books that are in 18
languages, our work has always been about personal and global peace plus health
and hunger issues, a topic that has fascinated me since I was seven-years-old
that at age 16 led to my discovery of meditation and the profound experience of
my own Essence nature.
As an
Ambassador of Peace, I have travelled constantly for nearly two decades to work
with many in government, meeting with Swamis and yogis in India, indigenous
Tribal Elders, tribes in Colombia and the Amazons, people in the slums of Brazil,
plus esoteric groups all around our world, including in the United Nations in
Vienna and New York.
this time we have been able to reweave so many energy fields as we have shared
with millions in over 30 countries with whom we formed the M.A.P.S. Ambassadry
Alliance in 1997. A forerunner to the Embassy of Peace, M.A.P.S. is the
Movement of an Awakened Positive Society, a name describing people from all
walks of life who are committed to global harmony and peace.
So many have done so much in our world, yet being at
peace means so many different things to us all. When we worked in the slums of
Brazil, some women said that being at peace meant just being able to send their
children to school safely, without concern that their child may be accidentally
shot. Thankfully due to the united focus of many, all the Brazilian favelas
where we worked have now been pacified.
To our indigenous Colombian friends, peace means
living in harmony with the Earth and all life without the continued threat of
global warming and those who want to mine their land, both of which are causing
disruption to their preferred way of existence.
Right now on Earth while some people deal with loss of
financial security from the restructuring of global economies, others are dealing
with death, disease, depression or loneliness, or they are struggling to feed
their families and just survive. While these issues affect many in our world it
is often these very experiences that prompt people to seek inner peace and
improve Earth’s systems so that they do work for all.
Hence, after nearly four decades of research, the
Embassy of Peace was set up to offer new systems of operation that support both
personal and global refinement, and the more universal paradigm of One People
living in Harmony on One Planet.
One of India’s most insightful leaders, Mahatma
Gandhi, invited us to BE the change we wish
to see in the world. Many know that for our world to operate harmoniously its individuals must
also be in harmony and open to exist in mutually beneficial relationships and
thankfully, many now are!
support this, the first focus of
the Embassy of Peace is on Personal Harmonization with a lifestyle program that
utilizes the ancient wisdom plus futuristic science so that we can unify into
peaceful co-existence regardless of our cultures and religions.
Developed from decades of experiential research and based
on Biofield Science principles, the 8-point Luscious
Lifestyles Program alters our brain wave patterns from busy beta frequency,
to alpha then theta patterns, so that we operate more effectively by increasing
our mental clarity and intuitive capacities.
Part of the Luscious Lifestyles Program, is the focus
on prayer power plus the mastery of the mind, with an emphasis on positive
thinking and choosing to see the good in all. Another aspect of this Lifestyle
Program is meditation, which allows us to be more detached and able to
recognize the bigger picture surrounding life events. Add a lighter diet,
treating the body as a temple, selfless service, time in silence in nature plus
the use of sacred music and we find we are naturally more peaceful, healthy and
The beauty of this particular lifestyle blend is that
it sets up a purer magnetic alignment with the very energy force that creates
and sustains all life, to stimulate a stronger flow of this Essence through our
systems. This then changes how our personal emanations affect everything around
us, since the web of this Essence energy interconnects all life.
Our Essence is also the one reliable loving power that can
bring about global unity, as It is the wisest teacher, guide and healer that we
will ever know. To be able to see this world through Its eyes and feel Its
Presence within us via our breath, and to be able to fully imbue our systems
with It, is the greatest gift we can give each other and ourselves as a
stronger alignment with our Essence nature can satisfy all human hungers - even
a hunger for peace.
Many believe that a world without awareness of its own
true nature needs to experience this nature first hand, before its people can
collectively evolve into the paradigm of peace. Access to Its heavenly inner
Kingdom is a worthy art to share and pathways to this Kingdom are varied, yet
what all quality pathways have in common is that they allow us to exist as a
more enlightened civilization.
To support this alignment this year we released the
Embassy’s pragmatic Being Essence program with its simple yet powerful tools of
transcendence as it is in this merged state with our Essence that we are always
the most effective. As we all exist in
a field of intelligence that rearranges itself to mirror our own consciousness,
it is a time now for everyone
either to choose the path of love, or to continue supporting the old fear based
paradigms that keep our world in the dimension of duality.
Yet everywhere I travel, I find that people do wish to
experience health, happiness and harmony. So let us pause for a moment here to
make a few commitments to ourselves and to each other. Know that as we place
the following heartfelt programs within the quantum field we will strengthen
the channels of support to bring this into truth.
Take a deep, slow breath ….
Now as I share these programs, if you like what you
hear just say “Yes, Yes, Yes!”
- As a citizen of planet Earth, I claim my birthright to exist in the rhythm of peace, to know this world as a paradise plane again NOW!
- I open to experience and enjoy the rhythm of health, happiness and harmony within myself and with all life NOW!
- I ask my Essence to connect me Essence to Essence with my family, friends, colleagues, and all beings open to this, so that all our sharing from this moment unfolds for the highest good of all!
- Again, if what you just heard feels right just say aloud or silently, Yes, Yes, Yes!
Take a few more deep, slow, breaths ... and just open
to sense how these programs are being brought into fruition by our Essence, as
we now add supporting field alignment tones.
Let us continue with the
Global Peace Paradigm …
At the Embassy, our priority is to offer and support
holistic education so that all may enjoy the peace that comes with
self-knowledge. To address basic human rights and provide for all who require
this, in
2002, we released our Madonna
Frequency Planetary Peace Program to reduce political, religious and
economic tensions via specific attitudes, actions and projects. Statistically
it is interesting to note that each year just one third of our current military
budget can be redirected to eliminate poverty. Hence, just a united shift in
our priorities can break these cycles and transform our world.
The Embassy’s Programs also aid in this as they expand
our consciousness so that we move from the ‘me’ agenda to the ‘we’ focus of
caring for all life on Earth, especially our children as one child dies
unnecessarily every two seconds from hunger related diseases.
In the obesity challenged West, billions of dollars are also spent
dealing with the health issues that often come from our toxic thinking, toxic
feeling and toxic feeding patterns.
All of this can be easily remedied by the Embassy’s Global Harmonization projects, which are
designed to support the redirection of our world’s resources and reveal
additional free resources that many have forgotten. For example, our Prana Program Project shares how to
utilize cosmic micro-food to provide more freedom of choice and help rebalance
world health and hunger issues.
Developed over 45 years, the Prana
Program has given rise to the Breatharian movement which now has over 40,00
people, like myself, who are no longer dependant on consuming the world’s food
In 2006, we began filming the documentary “In the Beginning There Was Light” which was released at the Cannes
Film Festival in 2010. Focusing on the power of the mind this film interviews
many who do this to look at the ‘prana as food’ reality from a medical and
quantum level. It also shows just a small but vital part into the benefits that
come when we are more imbued with Essence energy and have this freedom of
So a big thanks from me to everyone who has supported this paradigm
shifting film!
Imagine if we could safely reduce our current food intake by even 50%?
Imagine the impact that this could have on our environment if we do need
and use less of the world’s food resources yet get healthier?
While this controversial reality challenges our billion-dollar food
production and pharmaceutical industries, the potential global benefits are
immense. Being nourished by our Essence, is a natural part of our evolution
back into a lighter more peace-filled reality as has been prophesized by so
We all know that peace comes from being free of fear
and conflict yet right now on Earth, there is also a little of the energy of
‘let’s do nothing, let’s wait and see’ inertia as some people identify with
prophecy and the ‘what if’ reality.
What if there are massive solar flares
that some predict will possibly disable Earth’s computer run systems and make
our World Wide Web inactive?
If this does happen,
what will happen to our economic, banking and information dissemination
What if there is a galactic centre
alignment as forecast by the Mayans in December 2012? Will the associated
magnetic shifts cause more tsunamis, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and
will this cause massive loss of life?
What about the continued refinement of
political regimes in the Middle East and the small yet still possible threat of
another war?
What about the current economic
realignments within the European Union, plus the whole Global Financial crisis?
In addition, what about global
warming, just how bad is it?
What if? What if? What about ….???
Too much concern for all of this will
keep us trapped in fear as Universal Law decrees that what we focus on grows.
Instead, a focus now on fully enjoying each moment and being the best version
of our self that we can be is actually the most effective tool of
transformation that we have to ensure that none of the ‘what ifs’ are an
insurmountable problem.
Ice Ages are normal in our world, and civilizations
are known to come and go, worlds also do ascend and people leave their bodies
all the time in order to move into other realms. The “what if?” fear reality is
only a problem if we believe that all we are, is just a body with emotions and
thoughts or if we have not yet experienced who we really are.
Thankfully understanding the Higher
Light Science can free us from many limiting ideas, attachments and fears.
Holistic education that incorporates this new science is vital to our freedom
and so in 2010 we released our Pathways
of Peace Program to promote unity consciousness pragmatically on Earth.
The first three Pathways of Peace remind us that we
are all just a collection of energy rhythms
that we can change at will, and that by feeling blessed by what we have learnt so far in life, we can collectively
move on to claim a new way of being
that benefits all on Earth.
Peace Paths 4, 5, 6 and 7 remind us that we can be
Kings and Queens of our internal and external kingdoms in ways that enhance us all, by understanding the
available dimensions of existence
that we can now choose to dwell in,
plus how to experience this via attitude shifts and lifestyle alignments.
Peace Paths 8, 9, and 10 allow us to liaise more
effectively with quantum field intelligence and come into a unified state of
existence with our Essence to know the highest potential of love.
Finally, Peace Paths 11 and 12 allow us to receive all
the gifts of our Essence, so that we may dwell in peace as a vibrant and valued
part of a more universal neighborhood.
Understanding and applying these 12 Pathways provides
so much peace, just as merging more with our compassionate Essence nature
allows us to find the perfect resolutions to any challenge we may face as an
evolving species both now and in our future.
Again, let us take a few moments to support Global Harmonization with a deep, slow
breath as we open to sense the power of our group Essence with Its ability to
deliver these results ….
As I now read the following, if these words feel good, just say, “Yes, yes, yes!”
We ask
that perfect resolutions that benefit all be downloaded into the hearts and
minds of everyone involved in any area of global conflict now!
As Ambassadors of Peace on planet Earth, we also ask for the perfect
political, economic, educational and environmental systems of operation that
benefit the whole, to be clearly revealed and harmoniously anchored and
implemented throughout Earth’s energy fields NOW!
Take another few deep, slow breaths and imagine that this is
happening now …
Finally, let us address
the Universal Levels of peace …
Assuming that collectively we do eventually come into a state of unity
and peace – what then?
Personal harmonization leads to global harmonization, which then
naturally leads us into Universal Harmonization
as our planet transmits energy signals that will change our position in the
Matrix of Creation and magnetize us into a new dimension.
Yes, this is our planet, yet we also have many Light Being, interdimensional
friends who are always there supporting us, just as they support any world that
chooses to peacefully unify and leave duality behind. Yes, we can tune to these
ones in our meditations, for our Essence is their Essence, and these Beings
have stated very clearly, that understanding Universal Law and identifying more
with our Essence nature is the key to a smoother time through this transition.
The Embassy’s Universal Harmonization Program provides complete
data about these Laws and the many Beings of Light who are ready to
welcome us back as their intergalactic, interdimensional family. By refining
our personal frequency emanations and adopting compassionate systems of
operation, we will find that we can live in any realm that we desire. Many have
discovered via meditation that all dimensions are accessible right here, right
now, within us all, including the paradise realm of peace that is already in
existence, just awaiting our alignment.
Still regardless of all our experiences and ideas, it all is as it is
now on Earth, with 7 billion movies of reality constantly blending. Yet in the
field of higher light science, the dominant frequency rules to determine our
collective path of evolution, as we know that what we focus on in the present
will always determine our future.
Our Indigenous Tribal
Elders have long been big believers in the power of the Sacred Dreamtime and
our ability to dream new futures into being. They also say that our life in
form has always been just a part of a much grander divine dreaming. Waking up
within the dream by living the dreams that we wish to exist in, is another
important key to leaving chaos behind us for it is a time of dream fulfilment.
Thankfully, millions of people in our world are fulfilling their dreams of
peace-filled co-existence with many doing this by unifying our
male/female, left brain/right brain natures of logic and intuition, and taking
responsibility for the experiences that we have created.
I stand before you today as a wife, mother and grandmother and, as so
many women of our world know, it is through these roles that we have learnt how
to be peacekeepers and diplomats of love and compassion. The Embassy of Peace
has now locked in a new system of operation and its pulse is getting stronger
in our world so let us all add to this and feed the paradigm of peace by our
own experience of it!
Peace for all is just a channel switch away, a frequency band of
operation that we all can tune to. Enjoying healthy and happy lives, loving
deeply and contentedly, rising into new paradigms and staying risen, joining
truly civilized realms and knowing the benefits of this – all of this is our
divine birthright as we stand at the threshold of a more harmonious global
existence. All of this is a cause for celebration as we consciously align to
paradigms that enhance the whole!
Still talk is not enough, we also need to
act as we have done today with our programs and proclamations, so let us
complete here now with one more.
Again take a deep, slow breath then let us
state together:
Essence of Creation, within me and around me and in all life … I ask
now to be tuned even more deeply to your channel of infinite love and wisdom,
to peacefully fulfill my divine blueprint in a way that benefits all.
As Essence beings on Earth, we open fully here now to the
Grace-filled transition of our world into the perfect paradigms that nourish us
We proclaim perfect Peace on Earth!
Again, let us state with great feeling …
We proclaim perfect Peace on Earth!
We proclaim perfect Peace on Earth!
Together let us add some heartfelt tones and sense as if our
Essence is singing through us …
Our free Embassy of Peace manual plus our Pathways of Peace and
Being Essence Programs can now be downloaded from our website although these proclamations are enough to create a much smoother transition
if required.
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