everyone! It warms my heart to see something attended to and presented
with openness, respect and a willingness by the recording party to
listen. Of course we are all sceptical when something is presented to us
that perhaps we had never envisaged before so to all those involved in
the Amnon Levi TV show in Israel - which we are about to discuss - I would like to just say congratulations everyone - well done!
You have achieved something that I had hoped to achieve 13 years ago now with 60 Minutes who unfortunately were not able to be so willing to take such an an indepth look at this very controversial paradigm of being nourished by the pranic life force preferring instead to focus on the reality they choose to present.
Recently the Amnon Levi show on Israeli TV did a one hour feature on 32 year old IT business man Ray Maor, the Israeli practitioner of being nourished by prana, a practice Ray successfully began in the beginning of 2013 and maintains to this day.
Yes he lost 9 kilos of weight and yes I lost 4 kilos during my
time with 60 Minutes and yes this weight loss is natural when we are in
stressful environments where some of the pranic force, that nourishes
us, can often be diverted to deal with the skeptics, negativity and
emotional or mental issues surrounding such a challenge and being so
confined in a way that is not natural to the rhythms of health and
happiness for us.
Thankfully those working with Ray were open minded and fair with the doctor involved accepting the truth behind the small incident with Ray fainting with a blood test – something he usually does even when he was in the military.
A dry mouth from not drinking can also be mastered and we have discovered so much over this past decade since my own time with 60 Minutes.
Due to the potential benefits, that this way of being nourished has, on our health and global environment, you will find more people becoming public with their own ability to do this and you may enjoy my own interviews on YouTube with Russian Breatharian Zinaida Baranova and also Qigong BIGU practitioner Tainying who are also both nourished this way.
This program with Ray Maor on Israeli TV adds to the work of the documentary “In The Beginning There Was Light” (IBTWL) where many renowned physicists, doctors and others discussed this topic in detail while many who are able to do this were interviewed for this film.(click here for this IBTWL movie)
This is Jasmuheen for the Embassy of Peace saying increase your chi and get healthy – let us stay open minded, respectful, and support all that allows us to live in greater harmony with nature and with each other!
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